CapCut Compression Problem How to Fix


In this blog post, we will delve into what causes the CapCut compression problem, how it affects your video editing experience, and most importantly, how to fix it.


When it comes to video editing on mobile, CapCut has made a name for itself due to its user-friendly interface and rich features, making it a favorite among content creators. However, some users face a persistent issue - the CapCut Compression Problem.


This issue can downscale the quality of your videos significantly, hold you back from achieving your desired results, and ultimately, impact your content output negatively. Don't worry! We're here to help you get around this annoying problem.


In this blog post, we will delve into what causes the CapCut compression problem, how it affects your video editing experience, and most importantly, how to fix it. We aim to provide you with practical solutions, easy-to-understand steps, and even some expert tips to make your video editing process smoother, and to ensure that you create high-quality videos.

Why CapCut Compresses Videos?

When it comes to editing videos on the go, CapCut is one of the most revered tools used across the globe. However, often, users face a common issue - unwanted compression of their video files. Such compression often leads to a drop in video quality, making crisp, high-definition captures look dull and pixelated.

In this section, we'll delve into the underlying causes of CapCut video compression. Understanding them can guide users towards the right solutions for maintaining video quality.

Incompatibility Issues due to Geographical Location

Certain functions or full optimization of CapCut might not be available in some regions due to regional limitations or legal obligations. Such discrepancies can cause the application to automatically compress imported videos.

Outdated CapCut Application or Corrupt Installation Files

Running an outdated version of CapCut or working with a version installed using corrupt files can also result in unwanted video compression glitches. Such versions might lack updated features that prevent compression or may contain bugs that interfere with the application's optimal functioning.

High-resolution Video Capture

In an age where even smartphone cameras can capture ultra-high-definition footage, high-resolution videos are ubiquitous. However, they also come sizable in terms of data footprint. To keep the application running smoothly and prevent an overload of information, CapCut often compresses these high-resolution videos. It is essentially an automatic optimization process, which, unfortunately, can sometimes degrade the video quality.

CapCut's Large Cache

Over time, as users make repeated edits and work with numerous videos, CapCut accumulates a bulky cache. This accumulated data can slow down the application, leading to issues such as automatic video compression to compensate for the reduced processing capability.

Slow Internet Connection

Video editing, especially of high-definition videos, often requires a reliable, high-speed internet connection. When the internet connection is slow or unstable, compression may occur as the application attempts to cope with the limited bandwidth. It's its manner of ensuring minimal interruptions or issues in video editing operations.

Ways to Prevent CapCut from Compressing Videos

Dealing with compression issues on CapCut doesn't have to be a daunting task. Here, we provide a detailed step-by-step guide to help you prevent CapCut from compressing your videos. Following these strategies will ensure that you maintain the desired video quality while enjoying seamless editing services on CapCut.

Adjusting Camera Resolution

Lowering the resolution of the videos you capture can help. CapCut automatically compresses high-resolution videos to keep the app running smoothly. Although a lower resolution means a slight compromise in video quality, it will prevent drastic degradation due to compression.

For Android users:

  • Open the Camera app on your device.

CapCut Compression Problem How to Fix - Click Camera

  • Go to Settings and look for the Resolution option.

CapCut Compression Problem How to Fix - Click Settings

CapCut Compression Problem How to Fix - Click Video Resolution

  • Lower the resolution by selecting a setting that uses lesser megapixels.

CapCut Compression Problem How to Fix - Choose Lower Video Quality


For iOS users:

  • Open Settings on your device.
  • Scroll down and select Camera, then choose Record Video or Record Slo-mo.
  • Lower the resolution by selecting a lesser pixel option.

By preemptively managing the resolution of captured videos, users can prevent CapCut from compressing their videos, enabling them to edit and share content in better quality. While certain videos might call for high-resolution and would require a high-performance device, others can maintain their visual appeal even with slightly diminished resolution, ensuring smooth and efficient editing on CapCut.

Changing Language Settings on CapCut App

Ensure that your app's language settings align with the geographical location where it is being used. If the app runs on language settings incompatible with the current location, it may cause unusual app behavior like unanticipated video compression.

To avoid this, make sure to change the language setting on the CapCut app, so it aligns with your location. This adjustment not only helps circumvent video compression issues, but it also ensures that all features, services, and latest updates suitable for your location are accessible and adequately optimized. By doing this, the CapCut app can perform at its best and offer a personalized, user-friendly interface, thereby enhancing your video editing experience.

Here is the step on how to change language settings on CapCut App:

  • Launch the CapCut app, then open the Menu.

CapCut Compression Problem How to Fix - Choose Settings

  • Select the Language option.

CapCut Compression Problem How to Fix - Choose App Language

  • Choose your preferred language that aligns with your current geographical location.

CapCut Compression Problem How to Fix - Choose Language according to geographical location

Addressing Internet Connection Problems

Check your internet connectivity. If it's slow or unstable, the app might automatically compress videos to reduce bandwidth usage. Upgrading to a faster, more reliable internet connection can help prevent this.

  • Optimize the Wi-Fi Signal: Positioning your device closer to your Wi-Fi router can strengthen the signal, reducing latency and improving speed. If Wi-Fi connectivity remains unstable, consider using a wired Ethernet connection instead, which can provide a more stable and faster connection.
  • Close Bandwidth-Consuming Apps: Apps running in the background may consume a significant portion of your bandwidth, causing a reduction in the available bandwidth for apps like CapCut to function effectively. By closing unnecessary apps, you free up more bandwidth for CapCut, thus reducing the chances of the app compressing videos.
  • Regularly Restart Your Router: Over time, your router may become clogged with data, reducing its efficiency and slowing down your internet connection. Regularly resetting or rebooting your router can clear these potential issues and restore your internet speed.
  • Upgrade Your Network Plan: If the problem persists despite several adjustments, you may need to upgrade your internet plan for higher speed and increased data allowances, particularly if you often deal with high-resolution videos.

Clearing CapCut Cache

Over time, a substantial cache can accumulate in CapCut, causing the app to run slower and induce compression. Regularly clearing the app's cache can keep it running efficiently and prevent unwanted video compression. Here’s how to do it:

For Android users:

  • Go to your device’s Settings.
  • Scroll down and tap on Apps or Application Manager.
  • Find and select CapCut.
  • Tap on Storage and hit Clear Cache.

CapCut Compression Problem How to Fix - Clear Cache

For iOS users:
iOS automatically manages cache - you cannot manually clear an app's cache. However, you can uninstall and reinstall the app to clear its cache.

Updating the CapCut App

Make sure that you're operating the most recent version of CapCut. Outdated versions might lack certain features that prevent auto-compression or may have bugs causing such issues. Regularly checking for updates and applying them will keep the app running optimally.

For Android users:

  • Open the Google Play Store app.
  • Tap on the three lines Menu icon and select My apps & games.
  • Find CapCut app in the list and tap the Update button if available.

CapCut Compression Problem How to Fix - Update CapCut

For iOS users:

  • Open the App Store app.
  • Tap on your profile icon located on the top right.
  • Scroll down to find CapCut app. Tap Update if an update is available.

Reinstalling the CapCut App

If issues persist, try uninstalling and then reinstalling the app. This strategy can help if the glitches come from a corrupt installation. Reinstalling ensures that the app operates on clean, undamaged files. 

For Android users:

  • Go to your device’s Settings.
  • Tap on Apps or Application Manager.
  • Find and select CapCut.
  • Tap Uninstall. Once done, open Google Play Store, search for CapCut, and install again.

CapCut Compression Problem How to Fix - Click Uninstall

CapCut Compression Problem How to Fix - Install CapCut

For iOS users:

  • Tap and hold the CapCut app on your Home Screen.
  • Tap Remove App, then opt to Delete App.
  • Open the App Store, search for CapCut, and install again.


In the realm of video editing, CapCut has emerged as a powerful tool, offering an extensive array of features that cater to both novices and professionals. However, like any tool, it isn't without its challenges, one of which is the automatic compression of high-resolution videos.

This automatic compression, it's important to remember, isn't an inherent flaw of the app. Rather, it's the app's way of adapting to external conditions like high video resolution, incompatible language settings, slow or unstable internet connectivity, and heavy cache load. Although it may seem like a hindrance, the automatic compression feature is designed to keep the app running smoothly and efficiently under less-than-optimal conditions.

In understanding how to handle this issue, we're not only ensuring the app performs at its best, but also cultivating a mindful approach towards technology. After all, digital tools like CapCut serve us best when we not only understand how to use them but also how to optimize their functionality within our individual contexts.

Remember, stumbling blocks are but stepping stones in disguise. By troubleshooting these minor CapCut compression issues, we ascend further towards achieving our vision, expressing our creativity, and ultimately, mastering our craft.