How to See Who Saved your Instagram Post?


This blog will peel back the curtain of the Instagram metrical system to help you understand who saves your post. Dig in deeper with me into the world of Instagram analytics!


Instagram -- a space where moments are captured, stories shared, memories clung on to, and innovations celebrated. It's the canvas of our digital world where you paint your life with the colors of photography and the brushstrokes of captions. It's a wonder indeed when a post resonates with someone so much that they tap that little bookmark icon, tucking your snapshot or thoughtful caption away for future inspirations. You're left curious: "Who's saving my posts?"


Have you wondered whether it's only your devoted family, close friends, or are you reaching farther, touching the lives of strangers and making an impact? If these questions seem interesting to you, then you're in the right place. This blog will peel back the curtain of the Instagram metrical system to help you understand who saves your post. Dig in deeper with me into the world of Instagram analytics!

Can You Identify Who Saved Your Instagram Posts?

Instagram, a leading social media platform, allows users to save posts for viewing later. One question frequents the minds of Instagram users: Can you know who saved your posts on Instagram?

Unfortunately, the short answer is no. Instagram doesn't directly provide a feature that allows you to view a list of individuals who have saved your posts. It prioritizes user privacy, and as such, it leaves the "saved posts" details anonymous.

However, it's essential to highlight the difference between knowing 'who' saved your Instagram post versus knowing 'how many' have saved it. While Instagram may withhold the identities of those who saved your post, it does provide insights into the overall number of saves a particular post has garnered. This feature can prove very informative, primarily for businesses seeking to understand how well their content resonates with their audience.

Changing to a Professional Instagram Account 

Social media has become an integral part of online marketing and branding. Instagram, a popular platform for sharing photos and stories, offers users the option to switch to a professional account for additional benefits. This guide will walk you through the steps for making the switch.

Step 1: Open the Instagram app and log in to your account.

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Instagram Application

Step 2: Go to your profile by tapping your profile picture at the bottom right of the screen.

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Instagram Profile

Step 3: Tap the three horizontal lines (menu icon) at the top right corner of your profile.

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Instagram Menu

Step 4: Tap "Settings and Privacy" at the top of the menu.

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Instagram Settings and Privacy

Step 5: Tap "Account type and tools."

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Instagram Account Type and Tools

Step 6: Tap "Switch to Professional Account."

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Instagram Switch to Professional Account

Step 7: Choose between "Creator" (for public figures, content producers, artists, or influencers) or "Business" (for businesses or brands) as your account category.

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Instagram Switch to Creator or Business

Step 8: Add information relevant to your chosen category, and tap "Done."

Benefits of Professional Accounts

Professional Instagram accounts offer several benefits that can help increase engagement on your content and assist you in understanding your target audience more effectively. These include:

  1. Insights & Analytics: A professional account provides access to Instagram Insights. This gives you an in-depth look at your audience demographics, engagement, reach, and impressions for individual posts and Stories. The insights can help you optimize your content for better performance.
  2. Post Saves: With a professional account, you'll be able to see how many users saved each of your posts. This can give you insight into which posts resonate with your audience, allowing you to create similar content.
  3. Contact Information & Call-to-Action Buttons: Professional accounts have additional fields for contact information and the option to add a call-to-action button, making it easier for users to contact or interact with you.
  4. Promotion & Advertising Options: Professional accounts can promote posts and create targeted advertising campaigns on Instagram. These features help you reach a wider audience and grow your following.

Switching to a professional Instagram account gives you access to valuable features that can help you better understand your audience, engage with your followers, and expand your online presence.

How to know how many people who saved your Instagram Post

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you determine how many users have saved your Instagram post:

Step 1: Open Instagram

Open the Instagram app. Ensure that you are logged into your professional account. If you are not, log out of your current account and log back in using your professional account credentials.

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Instagram

Step 2: Go to Your Profile

Once you have logged in, click on the "Profile" icon located at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Profile

Step 3: Access Instagram Insights

To access Instagram Insights, click on the "Menu" icon equipped as three lines at the top-right corner of your profile page.

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Menu

From the slide-out menu, click on "Insights".

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Insights

Note: Instagram Insights is only available on Professional or Business accounts.

Step 4: View Overview

In the Insights page, tap "Content You Shared." Then, locate the post for which you want to see the number of saves.

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Content You Shared

Step 5: Check Individual Post Insights

Click on the post. After clicking, you'll see the total number of people who have seen your post. 

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - Click on the Post

Just below it, you can find the details about the interactions, including how many people saved the post.

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post - How many people who shared

That's how to find out how many users have saved your Instagram post.

Remember, these metrics can be useful for determining the type of content your audience finds most engaging and save-worthy, which can help inform your future content strategy.

Creative Methods to Find Out Who Saved Your Post

Discovering who saved your post can be a bit challenging since social media platforms like Instagram do not generally provide this information directly. Here are a few creative methods that you can try to figure out who saved your post.

1. Use Polls or Questions Stickers on Instagram Stories

This method utilizes Instagram Stories features to engage your followers. By asking a question or using a poll, you can encourage users to reveal if they saved your post.

Option A: Use a Poll Sticker

  1. Post an Instagram Story with an image or screenshot of the post you'd like to find more information about.
  2. Add a Poll Sticker and write a question, such as "Did you save this post?" or “How many people have saved this post?”
  3. After a while, check the poll results to see the responses.

Option B: Use a Questions Sticker

  1. Post an Instagram Story with an image or screenshot of the post you'd like to find more information about.
  2. Add a Question Sticker and type a question like, "Who saved this post?" or "Tell me if you saved this post."
  3. As your followers respond, you can compile a list of those who saved the post.

2. Direct Messaging (DM)

You can send out direct messages to your followers asking if they saved the post in question. While this method can be more time-consuming, it might help you to compile a more accurate list of people who saved the post.

3. Conduct a Follow-up Post

Create a follow-up post referencing the post you want to find more information about and ask your followers to comment or like if they saved the original post. This way, you may be able to find out who saved your post indirectly through their interaction with the follow-up content.

4. Use Third-Party Tools or Apps

There are third-party tools or apps available that claim to provide insights into post-saving activities and other Instagram analytics. These tools usually require access to your Instagram account, and some may carry a subscription fee. Be cautious when using third-party tools or apps, and always verify their legitimacy and security.

5. Leverage Your Connections

You can reach out to your close friends or connections on Instagram and ask them if they know anyone who saved your post. They might have seen your content shared in group chats or discussions and can provide valuable information.

Remember that these methods are not foolproof, as they rely on the voluntary participation of your followers and won't necessarily uncover every individual who saved your post. However, using a combination of these strategies can potentially give you a better idea of who saved your post and for what purpose.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do I get notifications when someone saves my posts on Instagram?

No, Instagram does not provide notifications when someone saves a post. This action is private and can only be seen by the person who saved the post.

Can I access a post that I've saved if the original post gets deleted?

Unfortunately, no. If the original post is deleted by the user who posted it, it will no longer be available in your saved posts.

Who can see the posts I save on Instagram?

The posts you save on Instagram are completely private. The posts you've saved are only visible to you. However, if you save someone's post to a collection, only you can see it. Even if you've been tagged in the post.

Can I see the number of times my post has been saved by others?

Yes, you can view the number of times your post has been saved in the "Insights" section for the particular post. However, this feature is only available to Instagram Business or Creator profiles.

Can I view insights for the saves on my posts?

Yes, Business and Creator accounts on Instagram have access to insights. Here you can see the number of saves a post has received among other data. However, Instagram does not provide any information about who has saved your posts.

Can I see which users have saved my post?

Instagram respects the privacy of users, therefore it doesn't disclose who exactly has saved your posts. While you can see the total number of saves, specific users are not identified.


In summary, it is currently impossible to specifically identify who has saved your posts on social media. However, the number of saves a post accrues can still provide useful insights. They can serve as a reliable indicator of the content your followers find especially engaging or valuable.

For Instagram users who own businesses, adopting a business account is strongly recommended. The business profile offers numerous in-depth analytics regarding post interactions which can guide content strategy and improve engagement.

Lastly, engaging directly with followers through interactions such as comments, likes, and direct messages can also provide an indirect understanding of content performance. By developing relationships with your followers, you can gain more insight into their preferences and adjust your posting strategies accordingly.