How to Switch to a Personal Instagram Account?


Many users are curious on how to switch to a personal Instagram Account. This beginner's guide provides clear instructions to help you make this transition, giving you greater control over your privacy settings and personalizing your Instagram experience to align with your individual preferences.


It's not just about learning the steps to switch to a personal Instagram account; it's also essential to understand the motivations behind making this change. For many users, a personal account represents a return to a less complicated experience, prioritizing real connections over the expectations associated with business or creator profiles. 

Whether you're seeking to declutter your digital life, prioritize personal connections, or merely wish to navigate the platform without the analytics and promotional tools, this guide promises to equip you with the knowledge to effortlessly make that transition. 

Let's explore the essential steps and factors to consider for restoring your Instagram experience, customizing it to fit your personal goals and lifestyle.

Steps on Switching to Personal Instagram Account

Below is a succinct, step-by-step guide to help you effortlessly change your account type on Instagram:

Launch Your Instagram and Choose Creator Tools and Controls


How to Switch to a Personal Instagram Account - Three Lines


How to Switch to a Personal Instagram Account - Creator Tools and Controls


First, launch your Instagram app and navigate to your profile by tapping the profile icon at the bottom right. Once there, tap on the three horizontal lines at the top right to open the menu then look for Creator Tools and Controls.

Look for Switch Account Type


How to Switch to a Personal Instagram Account - Switch Account


Within the Creator Tools and Controls, Scroll through the options until you find Switch Account Type. Tap on ‘Switch Account Type’, which you will find towards the bottom.

Choose Personal Account Type


How to Switch to a Personal Instagram Account - Switch to Personal Account


Upon tapping ‘Switch Account Type’, a dialogue box will pop up, presenting two options: a personal account or a creator account. Here, you’ll select the 'Personal Account' option to proceed.

Confirm Switching to Personal Account Type

How to Switch to a Personal Instagram Account - Tap to Confirm


After selecting a personal account, a confirmation window will appear. This is where you'll finalize your decision, acknowledging that you're ready to transition and saying goodbye to the added features of a creator or business profile.


Tap ‘Switch to Personal Account’ to complete the switch. Instagram will process your request, and your account will revert to a personal profile.

Pros & Cons of Personal Instagram Account

Choosing between a personal and professional Instagram account depends largely on what you aim to achieve with your presence on the platform. Here's a detailed breakdown of the pros and cons of a personal Instagram account to help you make an informed decision.

Pros of a Personal Instagram Account

Privacy Control

  • Selective Sharing: Personal accounts offer more privacy settings, allowing you to choose who sees your content.
  • Control Follow Requests: You can set your account to private, controlling who can follow you and who can view your posts.

Authentic Engagement

  • Personal Connection: Interactions tend to be more genuine as they are likely from friends, family, or personal acquaintances.
  • Engagement Quality: Quality of engagement may be more valuable with a personal account, since interactions are with individuals who are genuinely interested in your life.

Ease of Use

  • Simple Interface: Personal accounts have a straightforward interface with no extra features or analytics to navigate.
  • Focus on Content: The main focus remains on posting and engaging with content, with no pressures to analyze performance statistics.

No Business Features Needed

  • Non-commercial: For users not interested in Instagram’s business tools, a personal account is perfectly sufficient.
  • Ad-Free: Unlike business profiles, personal accounts don't have the ability to run ads, meaning less complexity and no extra spending.

Algorithm Favor

  • Chronological Feed: Some users believe that personal accounts get preference in friends and family's feeds due to Instagram's algorithm prioritization.

Cons of a Personal Instagram Account

Limited Reach

  • No Promotions: Without access to Instagram ads, reach is limited to organic growth techniques.
  • No Public Visibility: If privacy settings are activated, only approved followers can see your posts which limits the account's visibility on the platform.

Lack of Analytics

  • No Insights: Personal accounts do not provide analytics or insights which are essential for understanding audience engagement patterns and growing your audience.

Restricted Features

  • No Swipe Up: Lacks the 'Swipe Up' feature in Stories, which directs followers to external links (you need a business account or a verified account to access this feature).
  • Link Limitation: Personal profiles cannot add links to post descriptions, which can limit job opportunities or the sharing of personal work.

Not for Professionals

  • Inappropriate for Business: Not suitable for users looking to promote a brand, sell products/services, or establish a professional online presence.

Content Monetization

  • No Direct Monetization: Personal accounts do not have access to monetization features such as Instagram Shopping or sponsored content tools.

Personal vs Professional: Which is Better and Why?

Let's distill the essentials to unveil whether a personal or professional Instagram account aligns best with your digital pursuits.

Personal Account is Better for:

  • Casual or private Instagram users who prefer to keep content among friends and family.
  • Those not interested in the analytics or monetization options.
  • Users concerned about privacy and controlling who sees their posts.

Professional Account is Better for:

  • Businesses looking to expand their reach, build brand awareness, and use Instagram’s marketing tools.
  • Influencers and content creators who wish to leverage the analytic tools to understand their audience and improve engagement.
  • Anyone looking to utilize monetization options such as sponsored content or Instagram Shopping.

What to Expect After Switching to a Personal Instagram Account?

Switching from a professional to a personal Instagram account can feel like stepping into a new yet familiar room within the same house. While the essence of Instagram remains intact—sharing moments through photos and videos—the functionalities and tools at your disposal will undergo a noticeable shift. Here’s what to expect in terms of difference in features between personal and professional accounts once you make the switch:

Simplified Interface and Reduced Tools

Personal Account Features:

  • Privacy Reigns Supreme: Personal accounts offer the ability to set your profile to private, allowing only approved followers to view your content. This change puts you in the driver's seat over who gets to peer into your digital life.
  • Direct Messaging Simplified: With no "Primary" and "General" tabs to sort your messages, communication becomes straightforward but remains equally functional.
  • Focus on Social, Not Stats: The absence of analytics means you won’t be spending time poring over insights into post performance, follower demographics, or website clicks. Your engagement will be about the community, not the numbers.

Reduced Features:

  • Analytics Blackout: Say goodbye to in-depth analytics and performance metrics. Insights into content performance and audience behavior, which can guide content strategies, will no longer be available.
  • Contact Button and CTA Options Disappear: Professional accounts allow businesses to add contact buttons and other calls to action. Switching to a personal account removes these options.
  • Advertising Capabilities Cease: You won't be able to promote posts or create ads directly from your account, which can limit reach and growth if you’re aiming to expand your audience.

Engagement and Content Sharing

Personal Account Nuances:

  • Genuine Engagement: Expect interactions from a more closely-knit community. While this might mean fewer likes and comments in aggregate, the quality and authenticity of these interactions are often more personally rewarding.
  • Content Freedom: Without the pressure of analytics or commercial objectives, you might find more freedom in posting the content that truly represents you, not what performs best.

Limitations and Considerations

  • Link Sharing in Stories: One significant limitation is the inability to include “swipe up” links in Stories unless you have a verified account or meet the follower threshold that Instagram requires, which is typically available only to professional accounts.
  • Monetization and Collaboration: You'll be stepping back from monetization options such as sponsored content or Instagram Shopping. This might affect influencers and creators who rely on these features for revenue.

Troubleshooting Common Issues When Switching 

During the switch from a professional to a personal Instagram account, you might encounter some issues. Here are some tips to troubleshoot common problems:

1. Unable to switch to a personal account

Sometimes, the option to switch to a personal account may seem unavailable. It could be due to the following reasons and potential solutions:

  • Logged in on multiple devices: Try logging out of Instagram on all other devices except the one you want to make the switch from.
  • Account used for a Facebook Page: If your Instagram account is connected with a Facebook page, you need to first remove Instagram from your Facebook Page settings.

2. Data deprivation

You're concerned about potentially losing existing data when switching from a professional to a personal account. Here's what to do:

  • Insight Data: Before making the switch, be sure to save or take screenshots of any insights data you may want to keep for future reference.
  • Existing Followers: Don't worry, you will not lose your existing followers or posts when you switch to a personal account.

3. Unseen 'Switch Back to Personal Account'

The option to switch might be hidden away. Here's how to find it:

  • Look in Account Settings: The option 'Switch Back to Personal Account' is nestled in your Account Settings, under 'Account.'

4. Lost Business Features

You miss the professional features you've lost, and you're wondering if there's a workaround:

  • Consider Creator Account: If losing some professional features is causing concern, consider switching to a Creator account instead of a Personal account. A Creator account provides a middle ground, offering some of the features found in a Business account while having the feel of a Personal account.

5. Problem Switching after Recent Switch

You've just switched to a personal account but decided to go back to the professional, and Instagram is not allowing this:

  • Cooling Period: Instagram typically likes users to wait for 24 hours before switching their account type again. Try waiting it out.

Remember, a clear understanding of the nuances and differences between professional and personal Instagram accounts can ease the switching process. But if you still experience any problems not addressed here, consider reaching out to Instagram's help center or community forums for further advice.


In conclusion, switching to a personal Instagram account provides a more relaxed, informal platform for sharing your interests, passions, and personal life. It offers the freedom to post spontaneously without the pressures of upholding a brand image or adhering to business-related analytics. You can easily make the switch following the simple steps outlined, including navigating to your profile settings, choosing “Account,” and then selecting “Switch back to personal account.”

Remember, this transition implies letting go of the in-depth performance insights provided by business accounts, but it enhances the authenticity of your digital persona, making your interactions more genuine. Your followers get a chance to connect with you as a person rather than a business entity, which fosters more meaningful relationships. Whichever account type you choose, ensure it aligns with your overall social media goals and objectives. Instagram provides you with the tools—you decide how best to use them.