In the realm of food and cooking, I present you the Food Influencers on TikTok and the very next big thing is already well under way and has very little to do with such a sous video or a recipe book!
You could feel genuinely ill after eating some of it, some of it looks delectable, while some of it is doubtful. And don't ever panic, I've done the homework by selecting only the best Food Influencers.
This is in no way a complete list of the incredible Food Influencers on TikTok. But those who made this list were picked for their sincerity, variety of cuisines, and distinctive voices. Fantastic food!
Top Food Influencers on TikTok

In the previous few years, TikTok has undergone significant change. It has evolved into a platform with a wide range of interests, including humor, travel, the arts, cuisine, and even education. In my situation, the majority of the information on my "For Your Page" (FYP) is linked to food, including recipes, restaurant reviews, and mukbang. I can understand it because I love eating as well!
It is the website at the center of the most modern twist recipes, such as Emily Mariko's simple salmon rice as well as a particular baked feta spaghetti monster. One spaghetti chip at a time, for better or worse, it's dictating our menus and our palates.

I'll be the one to confess that expressing a passion for eating is comparable to expressing a love for breathing. The fundamental gap, in my opinion, is between people like me who enjoy cooking and people like me who would rather observe food being made. Personally, I belong to the second group.
A wonderful medium for producing engaging culinary videos is TikTok. Food TikTokers get followers on the platform by sharing educational recipes, how-to guides, and other information that enables users to replicate gourmet pleasures in their own kitchens. Check out our scrumptious top ten if you're looking for a TikTok maker that specializes in delicious meals or a great chef making food porn for such a passionate audience.

Therefore, grab the list and take a browse the next time you're searching your recollection for a simple lunch meal or a side dish to present at your upcoming dinner party. Listed below are the 10 TikTok food profiles I checked out throughout meals and while we're engaging in our usual bedtime procrastination behavior. Discover it!
Top 10 Skilled Food Influencers on TikTok
#1 Thomas Straker
Who is a butter fan? I'll give you my three words in seconds: All Things Butter. You are familiar with the individual, and I bet you can identify the shiny quenelle. Although a lot of us haven't really made an effort to imitate one or more of his buttery mashups, this is among the very few times when the enjoyment is truly in viewing the procedure.
The greatest seasonal ingredients are used in Tom's cooking, which is straightforward, easy, and produce-driven. These components are prepared utilizing basic cooking methods.
#2 Owen Han
In Los Angeles, Owen Han produces food-related material. He was introduced to a wide range of dishes at a very young age because he is of Chinese and Italian background. Owen first developed a love for cooking and cuisine in his native Milan, Italy, where he also developed his talent as a chef.
When How To Basic on YouTube was our go-to culinary channel, Owen Han's TikTok serves as a reminder of the web's earlier, simpler days. I say this because the quick-cuts of him slicing, cleaving, and pushing down on his crispy sandwich have aggressive soundbites. I'm down with this aggressive ASMR.
#3 Lucky Dragon Supper Club
For your enjoyment, some neighborhood girls will be preparing Asian dishes from various cuisines. In addition, the Lucky Dragon Supper Club is shortly to open in actual life if your desires start to get out of control.
A comparable narrow focus may be seen at Lucky Dragon, whose owners highlight the "genuine Asian culture and gaming experience" as the key differentiator. Lucky Dragon makes an effort to avoid trying to appeal to everyone, in contrast to the majority of the Strip. You probably won't like it very much if you don't like Asian games and cuisine.
#4 Newton Nguyen
Newton Nguyen, a 23-year-old American chef and creator of TikTok, has a million followers on Twitter as well as shares fashion-related material on Instagram. Spanish caramel flan plus lobster rolls have recently been among the most popular recipes. Young people in their 20s are the target audience for Newton's humorous videos.
He has 371k subscribers on Youtube and 10 million followers on TikTok as of 2022. He posts food-related stuff, vlogs, Question and answer videos, challenges, and other things on TikTok and YouTube. Newt is a businessman as well, and he has products available on the online store Fanjoy.
#5 Emily Mariko
A Californian girl of thirty years old who needs no introduction. She was the cause of the day-old fish, rice, kewpie, and sriracha that half of the online population was blending into an orange sludge. Whatever your opinion of the craze of eating farmed salmon may be, there is satisfaction in watching Mariko portion out meals from her orderly kitchen. Her farmer's market finds are our lifeblood (as well as her tips for preserving vegetables).
#6 Cucina Con Ruben
I don't understand Italian, but based on what I can tell, Chef Ruben encourages suggestions for dishes from those who are passing by his balcony. The idea is straightforward, but hey, it's fun. Additionally, the dishes are simple enough to prepare at home. How creative, right?
#7 Matty Matheson
The 40-year-old Canadian chef and food charisma is best known for being a quirky cook who has turned his Falstaffian zeal and decadent recipes into an empire that includes eateries, cookbooks, YouTube shows, cookware, and merchandise. He once described himself as a "fat, sweaty dude covered in tattoos."
#8 Nana Joe
Foodie celebrity on TikTok who frequently posts about food. The format of her movies frequently involves her preparing her day's meal. On her nanajoe19 account, she now has over 6.5 million followers.
Nana Joe would never fail to deliver a smack of food longing when she sees you devouring a paltry salad. She virtually always serves Mexican food, which has a lot of cheese, a lot of spice, and a lot of cheese. Oh, please make me Nana Joe's spouse; he's done well.
#9 The Salad Lab
For people who like salads, not in a 90s crash-diet, no-carbs type of manner, but rather in a crisp, flavorful, quick meal kind of way. Sure, salads have a poor reputation owing to their previous marketing, but personally, I love salads, and the Salad Lab lady from TikTok is another great admirer. For every type, including those favored by Hollywood A-listers, there is a formula. She is here to create them all, one TikTok at a time, including the salad which Jennifer Aniston enjoyed while filming Friends– I bet it’s really good!
#10 Hwoo Lee
We all have a thing for Hwoo Lee. Yes, he has formal training in cooking, however he also has an envious four-step grooming regimen and editing abilities. We also adore aloof boys, which is another factor. Lee covers a lot of area, specializing in Korean cuisine while also exploring various drink recipes.
I enjoy watching cooking on TikTok since they are simple to follow and don't include any needless fancy editing. It also helps since TikTok videos are brief so I can learn what I need to know in under a minute!
Have I forgotten anyone? Would you like to add such other Food TikTokers to the list? Please share in the comments section.